mercredi 25 mai 2016

Report Stuttgart 21:

Stuttgart 21 is a German railway and urban project to completely rearrange and modernize the Stuttgart rail system, the sixth largest city in Germany. The heart of the project is the transformation of central Stuttgart now « type cul-de-sac » in an underground passage station. Moreover, railways on both sides will be adapted and connected to tunnels. On the surface, the ground for now occupied by the channels can thus be recovered (approx 100ha), it will be cleaned and converted for the development of the city.

The cost for the Stuttgart rail node was estimated at about 4,526 billion€ which will have to be paid mainly by the Stuttgart region and city, the DeutscheBahn (the German SNCF) and of course the Federal Republic of Germany.
The Construction work began in 2010 and should be completed in 2020. The project is the subject of controversy. Indeed for some of the population, the high cost of the project, the felling of trees, the duration of the works and the demolition of part of the present station classified "historical monument" are reasons that this project does not take place.

However the views of residents of the town are rather ecliptic, so we'll immediately see what they think about this project.
Now we know what is Stuttgart 21 so you can more understand the opinion of the people we asked because during the four days past in Stuttgart we asked some people about this topic what they think about Stuttgart 21 and we will We are going to put in parallel the opinion of the people to question and that show us the exhibition about Stuttgart which (who were situated in the tower Mercedes in the station of Stuttgart).
   We asked nine peoples who answer to us questions and we discover that: two peoples like mister Thomas were not for the project, two other are for and the other people have no opinion of the question because they have good and bad point of view(we will see that later ) and they cannot decide in which part they are.
So we will know see the good part of the project:
      During the exhibition we saw that the project of the new station is more ecologic: during the summer the sun will not warm the station because the roof of the station have a special angle Which allows not to warm the station in summer and to warm her with sun rays in winter and speed of the train is going to allow to cool quays of the station , it’s not all because one of the person we asked said that the project is going to allow to renovate the station and is going to free a little bit the landscape but that not all because in exhibition we saw they will create new neighbourhoods in Stuttgart.
But the project have not only good point, we will now see what the negative side of the project are
      The peoples we asked all told us that: the project was too dear. It cost five billion Euros so it’s too expensive, to have the money they need the government reduced the money that it gave for others investment which is to quote an example the money to give to schools. One of the people we asked is a mother and she is for the project because he is good for the city but the works which are in progress cause a lot of pollution and blocks numerous roads (we saw they must to bring oxygen), the mother said that “it’s a good project for the city but not for the resident”.

So we will conclude with our group opinion about this project.
For us Stuttgart21 is not good because it is too expensive and they disadvantaged the generation of the children who live with the works because the government give to the school less money because they must use it in the project and we don’t know the project will become at the end of the project and if it will be a revolution or (sorry for the expression ) a big fail who cost more the initial price and if it will not impact the life of the resident of Stuttgart cause of the pollution.

Théo Jordano, Clément Soudé et Virasall Kim (1S2)